Appliance Repair: 7 Tricks To Keep Your Fridge Organised For The New Year

appliance repair

Your refrigerator was full of activity during the festive season. As the New Year begins, you need to keep it organized for you to keep it functioning efficiently. How do you do it? Here are expert tips given by appliance repair professionals:

Start everything on a clean slate. This calls for you to toss out any expired products that you aren’t using.

With all the hands that were going in and out of the appliance and the accidental spills during the season, the chances are that there is a lot of dirt in the appliance.

Before you do anything, clean the unit. A simple wet cloth and soap are enough. Regardless of the stains, avoid using abrasive products as they will damage the appliance.

Leftovers on the top shelf

You should designate the upper shelves for pre-cooked foods, packaged foods, drinks, and leftovers. The cool thing with these foods is that they are already cooked, so you don’t have to worry about them spilling from their packages hence compromising the foods you place below.

For you to have an easy time telling what is in your appliance, transfer the foods from the delivery containers into a glass or BPA-free plastic storage.

Having the foods in clear containers also prevents you from forgetting about the foods.

Place fruits and vegetables in bins

You should have specially designated containers for fruits and vegetables. The containers should keep the contents as fresh as possible. While it’s tempting to prepare the foods ahead, avoid chopping the ingredients until too close to the time you will be using them.

If you slice and dice the vegetables too early, they can easily go bad.

Store the fruits and vegetables in their whole form and at the right humidity levels to keep them nice and crisp.

Watch what you place in the door

The fridge door is often warm, so you should be cautious of the items you put there.

The best items to put in the door are milk or fresh juices. These are highly perishable, and the best place to store them is towards the bottom and in the back of the appliance where the fridge is the coldest.

You can place butter and soft cheeses in the door as you don’t have to keep them too cold.

When it comes to eggs, keep them at an area with the most consistent temperature. This is on the middle shelf of the fridge.

Do you have deli meats? Keep them in their designated meat bin.

Store the bottles neatly

If you struggle finding enough space in your fridge due to all the drinking bottles and containers in your appliance, you can improve the look of your appliance by stacking the water bottles in a pyramid shape to make them easy to grab.

Transfer things such as juice and iced tea to tall, slim, grass carafes to make the fridge neater.

Don’t buy more than you need

When you are looking to give your fridge a new look, it’s easy to buy more things than you even need. As you might guess, this results in overstocking the appliance.

You should note that an overstocked fridge doesn’t do its work properly, which means that it doesn’t keep the items cold and fresh.

When the fridge is too packed, the cool air doesn’t circulate properly; hence the food items spoil faster.

One of the best ways of avoiding buying more than you need is to have a notepad or chalkboard nearby to keep a tally of what’s in the fridge, so you don’t buy what you already have.

Move what needs to be eaten at the front

If you are like other homeowners, you have food that you need to eat sooner than the other. Whether it’s leftover yogurt, don’t run the risk of having to throw it away simply because you forgot about it.

Go through the fridge once a day and move the foods that need to be eaten soon to the front of the appliance.

Refrigerator repair Springfield professionals recommend that you mark the container with the date you opened the food, so you don’t have to wonder whether it’s still good.

