While refrigerators have been around for a long time, there is still a lot of information that people get wrong about them. Some of these things as given by appliance repair professionals include:
The fridge will eternally preserve food
Since most of the high-end fridges don’t come cheap, some homeowners have the impression that they will last forever. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Just like any other appliance you might be having in your home, the refrigerator has a lifespan.
In most cases, the unit lasts for a decade or more and then
its efficiency highly goes down. In addition to an old fridge being expensive
to maintain, it also doesn’t cool the food as well as you would want it to.
If your fridge is more than 10 years old, you should highly think
about replacing it. When buying a new unit, go for a modern one that you are
sure will not only be durable, but one that will also be more energy efficient.
You only need to clean the inside of the refrigerator
If you visit many homes, you will find that they only clean the
insides of their fridges. This is because they are looking to get rid of the
bacteria and nastiness that might be inside.
While it’s good to clean the insides, you also should pay
attention to the outside of the unit. The outside of the unit also has important
parts such as the condenser coils
that are located at the back of the unit.
For you to clean the condenser coils you need to use a brush
attachment on the vacuum cleaner. For optimum functioning of the coils, you
should clean the coils once every six months.
You should note that the condenser coils are an important part of the proper functioning of the fridge. When they are dirty, the unit tends to work too hard; therefore, you have a large energy bill at the end of the month.
When you clean the coils you not only increase the
efficiency of the appliance, you also increase its lifespan.
It doesn’t matter where you place the food
Just as many homeowners don’t clean the outside of the
refrigerators, there are still many of them that don’t care where they store their
food. Most of them have the notion that it doesn’t matter whether they store
the food in the top or bottom shelf.
You should note where you put the food has a great impact on
how long it lasts. You should reserve the bottom shelf for the foods that you
know spoil quickly. These include meats and dairy products.
When it comes to condiments, bottled water, and other items
that don’t spoil fast, you should place them at the door where the temperatures
can reach up to 40 degrees.
Things last forever in the infinity box
A few people have the notion that if they want to store anything forever, they need to store it in the freezer. While the freezer has the ability to extend the lifespan of products, it doesn’t make them last forever.
This means that even if you store the items there, you need to inspect them for expiry. As a rule of thumb, you should get rid of them if they are at the brink of expiring.
Repair services experts are the same
For you to keep the fridge in top condition, you need to regularly inspect the refrigerator and fix any issues it might be having. Unless you have the necessary skills, you should hire refrigerator repair services Northern VA experts to help you with it.
You should note that no two companies are the same. When you are looking for a company to repair the unit, you shouldn’t go to any company that you come across. Different companies have different capabilities.
For you to get the most from the companies, you should hire
the most experienced ones. You should interview a number of companies and
settle on the one that provides you with the best service and charges you less.