Are Dishwashers Worth It?

Dishwasher in kitchen

Are you on the fence about buying a dishwasher and wondering, are dishwashers worth it? Dishwasher repair experts recommend every homeowner own a dishwasher. And no, this isn’t because the repair technicians want more homeowners to service machines for. It’s because dishwashers come with plenty of benefits. Some of these benefits include:

Studies show that homeowners spend an average of 60 minutes every day washing up after meals. If you are like me, this is a pretty long time that you would spend doing other things. And the good news is you can get back this time by using a dishwasher in your cleaning.

Loading a dishwasher takes approximately 9 minutes meaning that you have a whopping 51 minutes to spare and do the activities you have always been yearning to do.

Some dishwashers even come with timed programs that range from 30 minutes to 120 minutes, so you can set the dishwasher and let it run while you engage in other activities.

You save water

If you are saving money cleaning the dishes with your hands, a recent study showed that using a dishwasher reduces the amount of water used by up to 74%. Some of the modern appliances even consume less water, so you spend less and less.

It’s easier

This is a no-brainer. To clean the dishes with a dishwasher, you simply need to put the dishes in the unit and wait for it to do the work. The dishwasher does all the work without your involvement. Like when working with any other machine, it’s much easier to work with the dishwasher as you aren’t directly involved with it.

It’s safer

If you have fragile grasses and other crockery, it’s much safer to clean them using the dishwasher as you won’t be risking your hands in the event they break. You also won’t put them at the risk of dropping when handling them with soapy hands.

You have cleaner dishes.

Cleaning the dishes using a dishwasher not only takes less time and saves your energy, but it also gives you cleaner results. Most dishwashers have a steam gloss feature that makes your dishes appear cleaner, brighter, and shinier.

You get rid of germs.

To eliminate germs from your dishes, the water needs to be above 60 degrees centigrade. When you are cleaning the dishes by hand, this is a temperature you can’t achieve, as water above 27.5 degrees centigrade is too hot to touch. And as you can guess, this isn’t high enough to kill the germs.

The water inside a dishwasher is heated up to 75 degrees, so your dishes not only get out clean and spotless, but also germ-free.

It’s kinder to your hands.

To clean dishes with your hands, you have to deal with soaps, chemicals, and scrubbing the stubborn dishes. As you can imagine, this isn’t being kind to your hands, is it?

With a dishwasher, you simply need to put the dishes in the machine, and it does all the work while you are preparing the meals or having a chat.

What should you consider when buying a dishwasher?

As you can see, dishwashers come with plenty of benefits, and there is no reason you shouldn’t buy one. While this is the case, you shouldn’t buy the first machine you come across—you should take your time and ensure you buy the right one. Some of the factors to pay attention to when making the purchase include:

Washing cycles

How many washing cycles does the machine have? The most important cycles are a regular wash, light wash, heavy wash, and economy settings. To have a great time with your machine, ensure the dishwasher has all the necessary cycles.

Performance features

The number of washing levels influences the performance of the machine. This is how and where the water jets are distributed. Go for a machine with a three-tire system or more as it will provide a better experience.

Are dishwashers really worth it?

As we have seen, dishwashers are worth it, and you should go for them. You should note that buying the unit isn’t enough—you also need to clean and maintain it. At least once a year, let an appliance repair Fairfax professional go through it and fix any issues it might be having.


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