Three Day Weekend and Great Buys on Appliances and Plumbing Fixtures

Even after all these years, there is still some confusion over what President’s Day really is. In 1885, Congress established the national holiday of Washington’s Birthday on February 22nd. Although Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12th, had never been a recognized national holiday, it was an official state holiday in several states, and became widely observed through much of the country.
In the 1960s there was a movement to create more 3-day weekends by shifting some holidays to Mondays. As part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act passed in 1968, Congress moved Washington’s Birthday Holiday from February 22nd to the third Monday in February. President Nixon made it official with an executive order in 1971.
While the Uniform Monday Holiday Act had wordage that described this holiday as a day to celebrate both Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthday, the name of the holiday was never officially changed, and to this day the Federal Calendar calls out the holiday on the third Monday in February as Washington’s Birthday.
The public, however, not only counts President’s Day as a celebration of both Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays, but it is often regarded as a day recognizing all of our deceased presidents. Whatever your preference, President’s Day is a 3-day weekend, and an opportunity to check out some great buys on major appliances and plumbing fixtures at KAR. Call or visit today for the best prices and availability.