How Can I Make My Refrigerator Work Better?

Have you noticed that your fridge is consuming a lot of energy? According to refrigerator repair professionals, the reason for this is that you aren’t taking good care of your fridge to work better.

How can I make my refrigerator work better? If you are asking this question, you should know that there are plenty of ways to make it possible. These ways include:

Like your air conditioner or furnace, the fridge works better and more efficiently when clean. Besides wiping the shelves, you also should clean the coils behind the appliance. As you can tell, this calls for you to pull the fridge from the wall and remove any dirt and grime that might be on the coils.

If you are new with the fridge, you will find the coils across the bottom front, behind the grille. Dust and vacuum the exposed coils. Also, vacuum the area where the fridge stays.

Give the fridge room to breathe.

The fridge emits some heat, and when you place it too close to the wall, it has a problem dispersing the heat, which can choke it and prevent it from working as well as it should.

For the fridge to function efficiently, ensure that there is at least 5 cm of space between the fridge and the walls. There also should be 5 cm of space around the appliance.

In the same way, you should give the fridge enough space to breathe by keeping it away from the wall, you also should keep it away from the heat sources such as the oven and radiators. You also should keep it away from direct sunlight sources.

Keep the fridge full.

You might feel that a full refrigerator consumes more energy than an empty one, but this isn’t the case. A full fridge has less air to keep cool, so it doesn’t work too hard to keep it cool.

When you load many items in the fridge, these items help each other cool, making the refrigerator’s work even easier.

For a properly functioning fridge, keep it at least 2/3 full.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on supplies, you can fake the full look. You need to fill pitchers with tap water and place them in the excess spaces in the fridge. This creates a full factor that tricks the fridge to run efficiently. You also have plenty of chilled water to use during the hot, sweaty days.

You should note that while you should keep the fridge full, you should avoid overstocking it, as you will block efficient airflow, which can make the fridge overwork. And you don’t want this, do you?

Store the food properly.

Store the food using refrigerator safe containers. The best are glass containers as they absorb and retain cold better, so the refrigerator doesn’t keep working. You also should cover the foods and liquids to avoid overworking the compressor.

As you are organizing the food, take care not to block the air vents.

Keep the fridge closed.

In the middle of summer, you can be tempted to open the fridge door and let the cool air get into the kitchen, but this can be the worst mistake as the unit consumes a lot of energy that it shouldn’t have.

In the same way, you wouldn’t open your oven door to warm things up in winter, you shouldn’t keep the fridge door open to let the cold air to the rest of the house.

To keep the fridge in top condition all the time, keep the door closed at all times, unless you are getting something.

Many people open the door and spend up to a minute standing there deciding on what they want. Don’t do this as you will be wasting valuable energy.

Before you open the door, you should have decided what you want. Pick the item and close the door to reduce energy consumption.

Cool things before you put them in the fridge

After preparing the meals, don’t put them directly in the fridge. Commercial appliance repair Springfield professionals recommend you let the food cool first to prevent the fridge from overworking.


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