Should I Self-Clean My Oven?

Many folks believe that with the self-clean feature, you turn it on and, viola, all sparkly clean inside. Unfortunately, that is just not quite how it works. There is prep work involved. You MUST clean it out, removing the crumbs and drips and such, or you will have a smoky house as a result. Your oven will also get up to some serious temperatures, which means that you will have a lot of heat coming off your unit, consequently heating up your house. Using your self-clean cycle can also cause some components to fail, due to the extreme temperatures (up to 800 degrees!) over an extended period of time.

We recommend that you don’t use your self-clean cycle. Instead, choose a self-clean oven safe degreaser (like Simple Green) to clean it instead.

If you are going to use this feature before the holidays, make sure to use this cycle weeks before the big day. Many folks wait until the day before Thanksgiving, then


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